my whole life
iseng - iseng saya buka draft blog saya ternyata ada beberapa tulisan saya yang teronggok menjadi draft, 2 dari sekian banyak tulisan saya yg jadi draft itu lumayan menarik perhatian saya hehehehe..
saya masih ingat kapan saya menulis dan bagaimana emosi dan perasaan saya saat itu..tapi saya tidak ingat kenapa tulisan-tulisan itu hanya tersimpan di draft dan tidak saya publikasikan..lupa beneeeerrr deh
dibawah ini ada 2 tulisan saya yg jadi draft, dua2nya ditulis saat saya dalam keadaan labil maksimal :))
ternyata pikiran saya kalau lagi sedih, labil atau terlampau seneng suka meracau segala macem, kata2 yang keluar juga cenderung "oke banget nih" hahahahaha..kalau baca2 lagi tulisan saya kadang suka heran sendiri,kok bisaaaaa saya nulis kata2 begitu?ckckck
oke deh mari kita baca kembali kicauan saya dibawah ini

draft 1
judul : sepotong tangis :'(

"tidak ada yang lebih menyakitkan daripada menatap kedua mata orang yang kamu cintai, lalu menemukan bayangan orang lain terpantul disana" -yuditha hardini dalam novel orang ketiga-

saya punya mata
saya bisa lihat itu, saya bisa membaca itu
saya juga punya hati
yang tiba2 terasa sakit ketika membaca itu

mungkin ini memang salah saya

ya...salah karena sejak dulu menyukai orang yang sama
salah karena membiarkan rasa ini tumbuh semakin parah
salah karena merasa tidak ingin kehilangan
salah karena pura-pura menutup mata
salah karena menutup hati untuk siapapun kecuali untuk 1 orang
salah salah salah salah SALAH!

tapi itulah saya, dengan semua keSALAHan yang saya perbuat

saya akui saya kecewa dan sedih, tapi apa yang bisa saya perbuat?
saya selalu berpikir untuk menjauh dan membuang semuanya, tapi TIDAK BISA
selalu tidak bisa..selalu gagal
seharusnya sy berhenti sebelum semakin parah

haruskah sy tetap percaya ketika saya membaca hal2 yg membuat sy yakin untuk kecewa?
sy bingung

kalau sy menjauh, apa dia akan sedih dan melarang?atau senang dan membiarkan?


"Every woman needs her man
To hold her and
Protect her and
Tell her that she's beautiful
And how she feels, he understands
A man that will not leave her but
Will stand right by her side.
So before you go, just know that
Every woman needs...her man.

Every woman needs her man

To fight for her
Die for her
Someone who will take the time
To place his heart
Inside of her
A man that's not afraid to say
"I'm sorry" when he's wrong.
So before you walk away
Just let me say,
That lady needs her man.

So remember to

Tell her that you love her
And that you
Place no one above her
And remind her
What we have will last...always
and tell her
Meant to be together
and that I will leave you never
And I promise
to stay with you forever
until my dying day

Every woman needs a man

Who'll be true
Who will say I do
Even when the skies are grey
He knows that God
Will bring them though.
A man who understands that love
It don't come everyday.
So before you go just know that
Every woman needs her man"


draft 2
judul : hello, you

i guess i'm tired of being the last thing on your mind
i should have known from the start you'd go and break my heart
you took my love and threw it away as if it were nothing
to're everything but to you i'm just another MEANTIME girl
you hurt me more than i deserve, how can you be so cruel?
i love you more than you deserve why am i such a fool?
little did i know you were just another thing that made with pretty lies and broken dreams
now i believe it when people say love is a blind 
cause i must have been blind to love a person like you
it finally hit me that you didn't care when you walked away and never looked back
maybe if i had just looked away that first day you came towards me
everything would be different and my heart wouldn't be breaking right now
i wanna do exactly what you did to me,lead you on,
make you fall for me, 
then just let you go, effortlessly
suddenly i'm hating myself for everything i've ever felt for you
sometimes i wish i could go back and erase the day i met you..
but then i will never regret loving you only believing you love me too
i made a mistake thinking you were my world
you won't get away with this,you messed with the wrong girl
slandering my name just for your own gain
dream on honey i'm gonna make you feel my pain
thank you for ripping my heart out stomping on it
and breaking it in half
now i know how much you care
watching you walk out of my life doesn't make me bitter about love
but rather makes me realize that
if i wanted so much to be with the wrong person, how great it will be when the right one comes along
there is no medication for this illness. no known cure other than TIME
maybe someday i'll get back my heart ..maybe someday i'll get back my pride
maybe somewhere down the road i'll forget to remember you
one day you will seek love and be sorry that you threw mine away
and one day you'll realize you could have been with me
i hope someday you'll realize what a fool you were to let someone like me slip from your grip
and that you'll see that the one you've been looking for was the one who set you free
one day i will be able to look you in the eye without feeling the pain you've caused
one day i will be able to stand next to you without wanting to hold your hand
one day i'll get over you
i only have two words for you "i'm done"
after everyhthing i've done for you,every chance that i gave you and yet you still break my heart..but it's over
finally i've realized i don't deserve this and honestly you don't deserve me ..yeah..i still love you and i probably will for a long time
but i can't stay here anymore .it hurts too much i guess this is moving on


kalau dibaca lagi, kebayang betapa meluapnya emosi sy waktu itu hehe tapi yang lalu ya biarlah berlalu, saya baca ini cuma bisa bilang 'wah...' sambil senyum.....
alhamdulillah sy sudah bisa menyingkirkan pikiran2 "i'm gonna make you feel my pain" itu,makanya saya kasih tanda coret dibagian itu..
alhamdulillah ya Allah..
seandainya pikiran itu masih ada, ga kebayang..mungkin saya bisa jadi orang jahat :(
alhamdulillah...semoga kecewa2 macam itu tidak akan menghampiri saya lagi sehingga saya tidak perlu berpikiran semenyedihkan itu lagi hehehehe

cheers :) :)

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