my whole life
today is saturday
hmm ya ya ya
what's wrong with saturday heh?
nope.. (ceritanya lg geje ngelamunin hari)

when i woke up this morning
i took my mirror and said "hey mirror,why does this acne stay in my face?ohmyGod..."
after that,i was called by adzan Shubuh..
lalu shalatlah saya..
setelah shalat tiba2 sy berpikir
"ya ampun bangun tidur tadi kok sy bukannya bersyukur,tp mlh ngemengin jerawat yg ga ilang2 sih -,- "
belemo ! mind was talking (read: thinking)...

hmmm...we often complain of ugly face, flat nose, acne(s), dark complexion, small eyes, short body, and so on. But now, i realize that one normal breath is already a very big gift for us. A breath involves amazing process that i've never imagined. So do the nerves that are also very important in our life. it consists of billion a very tiny small neuron. Subhanallah...a tiny little thing means a lot for us :) . I had learned that our body has a brilliant perfect system to maintain our normal and how amazing the rules of process in our body. our self clearly can't control blood pressure regulation, temperature control, immunology, feelings, desires and many others. we can't control our self. obviously human is weak. one day, i didn't know how and why, i was surprised by what was crossing in my mind. i remembered what what i had learned in my school and my college. i had never realize it before when i saw the structure of human body. As a matter of fact, a body consists of more than just flesh and blood. i was thinking hard about how totally dead things like brain, liver, water can build a man who can move, walk talk, cry, smile. it obviously has something else invisible ( i mean it's a soul).  who can control it?who can create it?
the more i contemplate, the more grateful to God i become. All of those i've learned waking me up that everything is in Allah's control. He owns what He creates. As humans, our role is just to perform as best as we can and be grateful :) !

bersyukur bersyukur bersyukur !
ucapkanlah Alhamdulillah dalam setiap nikmat yang Allah berikan :)

(tapi ini jerawat gimanaaaaa?ya sudah lah pasrah jgn ditoel2 -,- berarti lain kali sy harus rajin2 membersihkan muka supaya jauh2 dari si acne,merawat wajah kan salah satu tanda bahwa kita mensyukuri nikmat Nya hehe ^_^ )
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